Intelligent Knowledge Management for Higher Education

Enhance admissions efficiency, accelerate research timelines, and reduce administrative errors by giving your teams instant information access with conversational AI.

of time can be reclaimed through generative AI automation.
improvement in users' performance when using generative AI in business.
(Nielsen Norman Group)
produced significantly higher quality results with AI.
(Harvard & Boston Consulting Group)

Turn knowledge into a
force multiplier

Get better answers, faster, with seamless access to the collective intelligence of your organization. Traditional knowledge management tools just search your data; Graft goes further.

Search and Find Information Faster

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Context-aware search capabilities enhance strategic and operational decision-making.

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Reduces time spent sifting through data, directly impacting agility.

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Ensures relevant information is accessible for timely decisions.

ai-powered search for education
instant answers with ai

Ask Questions, Get Answers

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Make more informed decisions, faster, with an intelligence layer grounded in reality.

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Ask questions about student essays, GPAs, test scores, and more.

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Enhances efficiency and competitiveness with better decisions.

Summarize Documents at Scale

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Quickly distills lengthy documents and reports into easy-to-digest summaries.

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Streamlines decision-making processes, boosting productivity.

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Accelerates understanding and responses.

summarize education docs at scale
education classify, tag, and label data

Automatically Tag Data into Themes

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Automatically categorize and label applications, location, degree, and more.

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Predict students at risk of dropping out or if students will attend post-offer.

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Eliminate the risk of misclassification and errors

Generate Personalized Communication

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Facilitates automated, personalized communication across channels.

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Saves time while ensuring message consistency and relevance.

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Strengthens customer and partner relationships through tailored interactions.

Generative AI at any scale
Common use cases

Make your teams more effective, efficient, and happy

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Improve onboarding and training

Speed up new employee training with our conversational AI that instantly delivers organizational knowledge, explains concepts clearly, and guides learners to additional resources.

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Reduce daily frustration and delays

Simplify access to all organizational knowledge—from corporate databases to team documents—with a single point of entry, saving time and eliminating the need to navigate multiple systems.

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Enhance customer service

Enhance your customer service by streamlining knowledge retrieval, enabling you to respond quicker, solve problems faster, and consistently leave your students smiling.

Drive measurable success immediately

Maximize Efficiency

Graft transforms manufacturing operations with AI-driven automation, significantly reducing the time spent on manual tasks so your workflows are not just faster but smarter.

Cost Reduction

Minimizes errors and operational costs by streamlining and automating manual workflows. This leads to a direct reduction in expenses related to manual processes and inefficiencies, positively impacting your bottom line.

Data-Driven Decisions

By providing instant access to answers from complex datasets, Graft ensures that every decision is backed by solid data, enhancing your strategic and operational outcomes.

Operational Agility

Graft's comprehensive AI capabilities offer manufacturers the agility needed to respond swiftly, maintaining a competitive edge in a dynamic market environment.

Explore resources

state of ai report
State of AI for Internal Operations 2024

Did you know 59% of respondents indicated that knowledge management as central to their AI strategy?

Explore what the future of AI means for in internal operations.

View Report
graft intelligence layer
Graft's Intelligence Layer: The Bridge Between Information and Business Outcomes

Discover how Graft’s Intelligence Layer bridges the gap between your company’s knowledge and daily operations.

View White Paper
Unify Knowledge

Make your company information accessible and discoverable.

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Quick Setup

No coding; no AI expertise; and no infrastructure required.

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Enterprise Security

We're serious about keeping your data safe, and we never use it to benefit anyone but you.

Equip your teams with intelligence

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Immediate productivity gains
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Save 2-3 hours/week/employee
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Reduce costs