AI teammates for your enterprise

Graft makes it simple to experiment and create AI solutions for your enterprise. No coding or ML expertise required.


All answers 100% human-generated!

Who is Graft for?

Anyone looking to wield the most advanced ML capabilities to solve a variety of business challenges. Engineers love Graft because they can focus on business outcomes instead of costly infrastructural plumbing; leadership loves Graft because they’ll see results in a fraction of the time using a fraction of the resources; everyone else will love Graft because they can contribute to, and benefit from, Modern AI.

Can't I just use ChatGPT, Cohere, Claude, or BARD?

Graft is a complete AI platform that allows you to do much more than just text or image generation. With Graft, you're not limited to a single model or use case. You can experiment with a variety of models—including those from OpenAI, Anthropic, & Cohere, as well as open-source models—to find the best one that solves your specific business problem. Beyond that, Graft provides the features to deploy, monitor, and scale these solutions in a production environment. In short, Graft is engineered to help you make the most out of your AI initiatives.

I'm not an AI expert, can I still use Graft?

You don’t have to be!  Engineers love Graft because they can focus on business outcomes instead of costly infrastructural plumbing. Non-technical folks love Graft because they can contribute to, and benefit from, Modern AI. And leadership loves Graft because they’ll see results in a fraction of the time using a fraction of the resources.

What do I need in order to use Graft?

Data. That’s it! Graft includes everything you need to go from ideas to experiments to production in an afternoon.

How much data do I need?

With modern AI, you don't need the piles of (labeled) data you once did. By leveraging foundation models in clever ways, Graft can bring the power of AI to your business with as little as a single document. When you do need more examples, the platform's active learning feature will guide those efforts to minimize your labeling time.

What if I already have a bunch of ML tools and services working in production?

Graft is named, in part, because you can "graft" it onto the side of any organization and use it in tandem with your existing data or machine learning stack. Over time, you may find that Graft is sufficient and you can decommission the old tools, but you can do so at your leisure.

Who does Graft compare to…?

We’re not aware of another company making modern AI accessible to every organization. Most vendors are focused on classical AI, characterized by being limited to structured data and involving expensive activities like manual feature engineering, model selection, hyperparameter tuning, and all the machinery that workflow requires. Most vendors are also building mere pieces of the infrastructural puzzle, which are only useful if you have the rest of the pieces and the expertise to assemble them. Graft does away with those prerequisites.

Are you aware that the word ‘graft’ has an unsavory definition?

Yes, of course. We’re using it in the botanical or medical sense. It’s also English slang for working hard; that one works, too!

Unify Knowledge

Make your company information accessible and discoverable.

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Quick Setup

No coding; no AI expertise; and no infrastructure required.

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Enterprise Security

We're serious about keeping your data safe, and we never use it to benefit anyone but you.

Equip your teams with intelligence

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Immediate productivity gains
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