Equip your teams with artificial intelligence

Now your teams can quickly find relevant information, receive instant answers, and discover key insights across your company's knowledge.

graft intelligence layer

Knowledge Management

Employees spend nearly 20% of their time hunting for internal information, according to a McKinsey report. On average, that’s 9.3 hours per week!

With Graft, you save 1-3 hours per employee each week by making organization knowledge accessible through an easy-to-use chat interface. They get a single point of access to search, find, and get answers from your company's knowledge.

Common use cases

Make your teams more effective, efficient, and happy

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Improve onboarding and training

Speed up new employee training with our conversational AI that instantly delivers organizational knowledge, explains concepts clearly, and guides learners to additional resources.

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Reduce daily frustration and delays

Simplify access to all organizational knowledge—from corporate databases to team documents—with a single point of entry, saving time and eliminating the need to navigate multiple systems.

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Enhance customer service

Enhance your customer service by streamlining knowledge retrieval, enabling you to respond quicker, solve problems faster, and consistently leave your customers smiling.

Experience the simplicity of an answer engine

Search engines are cool, but have you ever tried an answer engine?

conversational ai
Conversational AI

Directly query your data and documents, getting relevant answers quickly and efficiently for your teams.

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Get Trustworthy Answers

Every answer is secure, private, and includes full citations for easy verification, ensuring you can trust and reference each response confidently.

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Personalized User Experience

Answers adapt to each employee. Select from different models, set your voice and tone, provide custom instructions, and more.

graft conversational ai
workplace search

Get one searchable location for company information

Quickly locate exactly what you need, right when you need it, across your enterprise knowledge.

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Advanced AI Search Engine

Search across all your company's knowledge in seconds without needing the right keywords.

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150+ Data Connectors

Connect with over 150 data sources and tools including databases, SaaS platforms, and document stores.

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Safe and Secure

SOC 2 Type II compliant. Your data is yours. We don't use your data to train our models.

Always learning and improving

With each interaction, feedback, and optimization, you help Graft learn and grow smarter.

always improving
Gets Smarter Over Time

Enhance Graft's ability to deliver more accurate and relevant information over time by providing feedback.

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Enrich Your Data

Add new information to existing data to improve its accuracy , usability, and reliability.

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Incorporates Your Expertise

Graft weaves together information not only from multiple data sources, but from the expertise of your teammates.

improve with feedback

Why choose Graft?

Drive Real Outcomes

Save 1-2 hours per employee each week, speed up decision-making, and increase employee productivity across your company.

Beyond Data

Connect to more than 150+ live data sources, including data warehouses, SaaS tools, and documents. Clean, enrich, and extend it with your team’s expertise.

We’ve Got You Covered

No AI skills or coding required. Graft handles everything from data connectors to value delivery. Whether you prefer to chat, call APIs, or use a UI, we’ve got you covered.

Built for the Enterprise

From tremendous scalability to powerful encryption to SOC 2 Type II compliance, everything about Graft was built for the enterprise. We're serious about keeping your data safe, and we never use it to benefit anyone but you.

Explore resources

state of ai report
State of AI for Internal Operations 2024

Did you know 59% of respondents indicated that knowledge management as central to their AI strategy?

Explore what the future of AI means for in internal operations.

View Report
graft intelligence layer
Graft's Intelligence Layer: The Bridge Between Information and Business Outcomes

Discover how Graft’s Intelligence Layer bridges the gap between your company’s knowledge and daily operations.

View the White Paper
Unify Knowledge

Make your company information accessible and discoverable.

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Quick Setup

No coding; no AI expertise; and no infrastructure required.

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Enterprise Security

We're serious about keeping your data safe, and we never use it to benefit anyone but you.

Equip your teams with intelligence

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Immediate productivity gains
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Save 2-3 hours/week/employee
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Reduce costs